Saturday, April 14, 2012

Rather Than Building Character, Adversity Tends to Reveal It.

I have always been good with change. Really. I don't know what I would do if my month to month stayed rigid and safe. That's one thing many of us need experience to realize- some things get more difficult and some things get easier, and it's ignorant to think every life is set to naturally become easier with time. In addition, easier does not equal better in every case, and difficulty does not mean bad. My understanding of this concept from early on has guided me against experiencing significant resentment. I don't want easier! I want to take on what is handed to me, because when adversity reveals its beast-like head, I'm faced with an opportunity to take him down cunningly and meticulously. Adversity will never see it coming. I use my own weapon, an intellegent core that has always existed but has few opportunities to present itself in the purest form- strength of character.

I want to live as wisely as possible, and regain control over all my motives. At the state which I currently find myself, I am lost. I want to find such wisdom that I understand all places I may wander.

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