Tuesday, April 24, 2012


People often assume I don't notice the evil in other people. Especially now. Truth is, I am far from ignorant. I simply believe people shouldn't chain themselves by one of human nature's most vile concepts, the concept of bitter judgment. I am not optimostic in practice, I have grown optimistic in peace and understanding. Everywhere we go, we are force-fed neagtive ideas on how little empathy we can afford to offer our peers. For the most part, society raises children to adhere to considerably strict rules to often trivial matters. This in itself isn't a problem, this is simply being observant and objective. However, we apply these ideas in a way that doesn't conform US but rather attempts to conform THEM. There is a little evil in everyone, but there is a varying application of inner evil that can be perceived from person to person. If an inexperienced or lazy individual was to try to become "pure," so to speak, they might abandon character ethic for personality ethic because personality ethic SHOWS more at the beginning. If another person with a higher level of human understanding might try to become "pure," they might begin with character ethic in mind because this is the only way to REVEAL more. I see myself critical of thoughts, my own feelings, and many workings of life that need to be put in place. But outwardly and loosely judging other people in their impulses can never satisfy my taste for critical observation. It is a small minded thing to do, so I've consistantly fought the urge until the urge whittled away. Live and let live (Catherine Maria Sedgewick). Don't chain your mind to the hallway while waiting for your door to open.

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