Monday, April 16, 2012

Trust and Friendship

"To be trusted is a greater compliment than being loved." - George MacDonald, religeous author

There is nothing that twists my insides more than not knowing whether to fully trust an individual. That statement alone should offer insight as to what kind of person I am. I have been through short bouts of trust reserved phases after childhood misunderstandings and disorienting experiences with people. Fortunately, these phases haven't permanently molded me into a bitter person. Unfortunately, I have learned that it is part of my character to bouce right back into optimist euphoria and at times, edging on ignorance once again by letting people treat me how they may. As I've mentioned before, I am fond of contradiction. I am tolerant of it because all things are complex and contradiction simply means the issue at hand needs to be studied more to understand the point that's being missed. The point being missed in this scenario is that one of my characteristics is to forgive and forget. I shouldn't forget. I allow myself to forget when my trust has been taken for granted, therefore it happens again and again.

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